Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mayday Parade

hello, I am here again! I have a band to tell you all about they are really good. they are like punk/pop. really good. they are called Mayday Parade. here is a link to one of their songs, it is called "I Swear This Time I Mean It."

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The fire of my soul

so I wrote this poem a while ago and I don't know if you guys will like it. But either way I hope you do!

the fire in my soul is calling me
is calling me to home
I do not know exactly where
but I hope that won't show.
if one day I do find my way
I hope that it is soon.
but now I stick to my souls path
under the sun and moon.
I wander on the unseen road
in hopes I don't go stray
and if I know just where to go
I'll never ever say.
but now I walk this hidden path
of which my soul hath lay

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


hello, i'm Dmitri. You may know Mister Literature from Our Life In Middle School? well that is me! I wrote this for my poems, for songs to share, Et cetera. any way, I want you all to enjoy this video of the evolution of music by an amazing A Cappella group called Pentatonix.